Nonagenarians newly in love battle children, friends, and even professionals just to live life on their own terms. In Dawn Kat Mcmillion’s debut novel based on real-life events, you’ll be tickled and tortured by the fire and fight in Dan and “The Brit”. But most of all, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on living every day to the fullest. And you’ll likely take a closer look at your pets – and your kids!
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Meet Dawn
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I finally feel like I have a little wisdom under my belt to write a story that’s truly meaningful.
A few decades ago, I earned a BA in Communications with a minor in journalism, had a stint reporting on politics for the Tahoe Daily Tribune, then marketed our Seattle Italian café for nearly twenty years. As a Certified Toastmaster, I learned how to present information in new and punchy ways.
When Paul and I moved far away from family & friends to our new Kentucky home, there was a pesky voice in the wee hours of most mornings that whispered, “Get up! You have to share this story of your mother meeting her soulmate at eighty-seven!”

Book Reviews
“You couldn’t have come closer to the true picture of their life together if you had videotaped it.”
Larry McKee, Dan’s best friend (and supporting character in the book)
“…filled with description and so much emotion. You’re a great story-teller and telling it from the cat’s point of view is very clever.”
Who Is This Book For?
Anyone who . . .
Thinks they may be too old for love!
Knows a headstrong older adult and needs some “been there” laughter & comfort.
Wonders what their cat really thinks of them.
Is retired and wants to remain in their home pretty much forever!
Has lived a long life and is now hearing, “At your age, you should/shouldn’t . . .”
Is curious about & needs solutions for early signs of dementia.
Not for you? No worries . . . maybe a friend or relative . . .
Contact Dawn